Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Industrial Inventions

Hello my Space Friends,
I have found a few interesting inventions found in the industrial revolution, One is the Spinning Jenny, which is my favorite..
The first big industry was cotton textile factories, though other kinds of factories developed as well machines had been used some by workers who did piece work at home with spinning wheels and hand looms.  What brought the workers together into a factory was the invention of machines for spinning that could spin more than one thread at a time and then the application of water power first to spinning and then to weaving James Hargreaves or Spinning Jenny , invented 1764-1770. You've probably already figured, but this machine spun thread and yarns.

Another is the Newcomen Engine (about 1712) filled a cylinder with steam and then condensed it to draw the piston down.  1/2% efficient, but widely used to pump water out of coal mines. Although, Watt Engine (1774) had had a separate condenser, making the engine much more efficient, James Watt later added, sun and planet gear converted reciprocating, into rotary motion to power machines automatic control mechanism double-acting engine made for much smoother power. I hope you get the English language they use to speak (ha ha) 

Well that's all for now, Love and Leave you :)
Taylah <3

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